Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich und Frank Pieke im Gespräch mit Jörg Wuttke

How to deal with China: The Future of the EU-China Economic Relations

May 07, 2019 19:00 - 20:30

Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS)
Klosterstraße 64
10179 Berlin

We will discuss with Mr. Wuttke the EU-China economic relations and their broader implications. Among other things, we will address the EU-China strategic outlook, the strengthening of Europe’s approach to China through a new investment screening mechanism, and German economic minister Altmaier’s plans to finance EU champions and fend of Chinese SOEs, and the renewed commitment of China and Europe to renewing the WTO. As a veteran of the Western business community in China, Jörg Wuttke has been quoted in several of the world’s leading business publications. He has also authored opinion pieces for the Financial Times and other leading publications. While at the European Chamber, he was an advocate of rebalancing the China-Europe trade and investment relationship.  

MERICS Director Frank Pieke and Director of Communications Kerstin Lohse-Friedrich will lead through the evening and discuss further questions with the expert and the audience.

Joerg Wuttke on the future of EU-China economic relations
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